Welcome and thank you for visiting my website.

My name is Rosalind, I am an intuitive energy healer, I have been working with healing energies for over 20 years. My interest in energy healing began when I experienced some challenging life situations which created stress and in turn manifested physical problems. After taking the medical route, where doctors told me ‘to live with it’ I decided to look for an alternative solution and discovered Reiki. Having experienced the wonderful benefits of this modality I decided to study the art of Reiki, working through each degree to become a Reiki Master – Teacher.
After practising Reiki for several years, I discovered a fantastic healing modality which incorporates the powerful energy of Angels and facilitates to re-balance the energy of the body’s cellular memory. It is known as Integrated Energy Therapy® (I.E.T), which I thoroughly enjoyed studying and qualified to become a Master – Instructor in 2008.

I then had an amazing experience which led me to accessing a powerful energy chanelled from the ascended master Maha Chohan.

I use this fusion of energies to create a unique healing experience. It has enabled me to facilitate  many successful results with clients which include a large spectrum of men, women and children of all ages including children with special educational needs and disabilities (particularly those who have been diagnosed to be on the autistic spectrum). I have found that small pets such as birds, dogs and cats have also benefitted.

I would be honoured to share this healing gift with you.